Sept. 2, 2013
Area: Houston, Central 2
Companions: Spencer, Petersen, and now Heath
This week in the area has been great! It was a
little unexpected to lose Elder Petersen from our companionship. On
Thursday he was called to different area because another elder was having medical problems involving the
nerves all over his body. The mission leadership/mission doctor ended up sending him home to make
sure that he gets all the necessary care, so I felt the responsibility
fall to my shoulders because I know the area and the people.
We worked really hard trying to find new people to
teach, trying former investigators and potentials, and we found a really
good new investigator from a part-member family. He is really prepared
and I am really excited to move forward with teaching him. We also had a
really good experience going on splits with the youth from the area. We found one of the friends of these two young men, who just happens
to be a recent convert. This young man has been talking about the
church with his friend, but has been really hesitant to invite him to
church, though he has invited him to activities. This split that we did was on
Saturday, and we asked the young man to invite his friend to church for
Sunday. Sadly the friend was working with his dad, which is an
uncommon occurrence, so we have high hopes for this guy. We have a
lesson set up with the recent convert with his friend for this Saturday,
and we hope to see him at church Sunday. The area is slowly, but
surely, starting to perk up. We have the expectation to be able to
baptize these two people in this transfer or the next because they
already have the support of members and friends.
I am glad to be in this area and to be able to see
the fruits of my efforts lift it up. I am also glad to have the
opportunity to train Elder Heath. He seems like a great missionary and I
have high hopes/expectations for him and myself.
I guess I didn't have the opportunity to tell you
yesterday(Labor Day), but we got a call last Saturday saying that Elder Spencer was
leaving the area, then on Sunday we got a call saying that I was going
to be a trainer, and Elder Spencer was going to be English for a period
of time. So my greenie's (trainee) name is Elder Heath and he is from
Orem, Utah. I really don't know much else about him because I met
him about 5 hours ago and we've been moving in and stuff...
We did end up moving to our new apartment that will be safer for us to travel to and from (ie the configuration of the road is just safer).
And the English sisters are actually in the next building over, so they
were really nice and baked us cookies. Yesterday, because we couldn't
email and we weren't going to shop due to transfers, I decided to make
us all french toast for breakfast as a thank you for the cookies and
1) Elder Spencer didn't exactly believe us when we
told him that his bike had been stolen, but then he didn't really freak out because we knew we could
fix the problem the next day when we went to Kingwood for the meeting
with Elder Cook.
2) The 4 loves were specifically for a missionary,
but I guess they can apply to you guys. They were 1) Love your
companion (spouse or family member); 2) Love the people (in the ward and your area/community); 3) Love your
Mission President (or your church leaders in your case); 4) Love the
3) Yeah, we have worked things out and mainly just
laughed about each other's mistakes. Now I'm with my new companion, and I
really am just determined to teach him right. I have enough experience
as a missionary that I usually know what to do and how we can do better.
I am excited for this experience, especially because I have been
feeling like it was just my time for it--I have really needed something
to get me out of just going through the motions...
4) I actually have been reading it. It is something that somebody
spoke about recently and I have been reading it to see what it says
specifically about my mission and after so I can make goals to become
what God sees me as.
I love you guys,
Elder Stanley Scott Dye
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